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American History   


Establishment of Soldiers' National Military Cemetery & Lincoln's Gettysburg Address NEW!

Explore the history of the Soldiers' National Cemetery at Gettysburg, established for the reinterment of Union soldiers killed in the battle. Delve into the events of the cemetery's dedication on November 19, 1863, and Abraham Lincoln's iconic Gettysburg Address. This course examines how Lincoln composed the speech, the influences that shaped it, the challenges he faced, and the profound message he delivered to his audience—both then and now. We will also discuss the myths surrounding the address, its reception at the time, and its enduring legacy, particularly in the years following Lincoln’s assassination. Discover Lincoln as a masterful craftsman of words and the timeless significance of his challenge to his listeners.

Instructor: John Dahowski Members: $5; General Public: $10
Course #: HIS607 | Room: Cypress Hall
Day of Week | Date | Time: Th   4/10/2025 & 4/17/2025   1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
This class meets 2 times
Seats Available: 41

Slavery In the American Experience

The Founding Fathers' fatal flaw was allowing slavery; they couldn't condemn or condone it. Sadly, most had inadequate teaching of a subject foundational to America. Our domestic tranquility today is affected by the Founders indecision. Understanding the past is a prelude to the future.  "A nation cannot choose its past; it can only choose its future." Or as Faulkner said, " The past is never dead, it's now even past."

Instructor: Emmett Coyne Members: $5; General Public: $10
Course #: CUR159 | Room: Room 4
Day of Week | Date | Time: Tu   4/22/2025 & 4/29/2025   2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
This class meets 2 times
Seats Available: 15

The Road to the Kentucky Derby Begins in Marion County

Why do so many horses in major races across the U.S. have a connection to our county? Learn how Marion County became the Horse Capital of the World® thanks to a little horse named Needles in 1956 and how he changed the trajectory of the Florida thoroughbred industry, making it one of the world's leading breeding, sales and racing centers.

Instructor: Tammy A Gantt Members: $6; General Public: $11
Course #: HIS515 | Room: Live Oak Hall
Day of Week | Date | Time: Tu   4/29/2025   4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Seats Available: 16

Bartram's Travels: Paynes Prairie Hiking Adventure with Lars Anderson

William Bartram called it the Great Alachua Savanna. We know it as Paynes Prairie. On this chapter of our "Bartram's Florida" series, we'll take a 3 mile stroll onto the wetland savanna made famous by the young explorer in 1774. The talk will include a brief overview of the prairie's rich history from Lars Andersen, author of "Paynes Prairie: A History and Guide."

Note: Meeting time at park is 9 AM; There is a $5 Park Fee payable at the entrance day of trip. The trip duration is 1.5 - 2 hours long. Difficulty: Easy, two mile stroll on easy (mostly flat) terrain. Since this is an out-and-back hike, participants who can't do the entire hike are welcome to turn back at any time.
Skill level: Good for beginners.

Instructor: Lars Andersen Members: $32; General Public: $37
Course #: TRI190 | Room: Field Trip
Day of Week | Date | Time: F   5/2/2025   9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Seats Available: 11

Boom and Bust: The Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression NEW!

This course will give a brief overview of these fascinating times. The glitz and glamour of the Jazz Age were followed by the unprecedented disaster of the Great Depression. This presentation will look at the events and currents of the 1920's; foreign and domestic, the good, the bad and the ugly and then do the same in the 30s. What a contrast between "Blue Skies, nothing but blue skies do I see" to "Brother can you spare a dime."

Instructor: Jim Cullen Members: $5; General Public: $10
Course #: HIS316 | Room: Live Oak Hall
Day of Week | Date | Time: Tu   5/6/2025   3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Seats Available: 21

Slavery in Florida and Marion County

Florida historically was a refugee for enslaved people, escaping the slave states to be welcomed by native people here and eventually the Spanish. Florida entered the Union as a slave state, 1845, and the last state to be infamously designated. Currently, descendants of slaveholders and enslaved people today often share the same surname of residents in Marion County.

Instructor: Emmett Coyne Members: $5; General Public: $10
Course #: HIS187 | Room: Room 4
Day of Week | Date | Time: Tu   5/13/2025   2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Seats Available: 10

The Historical Struggle to Keep America White: How To Become A Diverse Society

The 1790 Naturalization Act allowed any free white person to become a citizen of the new republic; all others need not apply. Since then, there was a protracted effort to keep America white. This session examines the many efforts to maintain a white America despite the diversity of its immigrants. How does one interpret "e pluribus unum?"

The rise of a militant white supremacy today is not new. It was present throughout our history. It remains contentious today, particularly regarding new immigrants.

Instructor: Emmett Coyne Members: $5; General Public: $10
Course #: CUR158 | Room: Room 4
Day of Week | Date | Time: Tu   6/10/2025   2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Seats Available: 14

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If class is cancelled by the participant because of COVID positive results, there will still be a processing fee incurred by the participant.

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