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Current Events   



Keeping Current on Events

Do you like to keep up with current events?  Join us to discuss and share ideas that affect us and the world we live. You don't have to be an expert! We will discuss local, state, national and international news in a civil, open-minded environment. Discussion will be moderated. 

Instructor:  Sandy Carey Members: $8; General Public: $13

Course #: CUR101 | Room: Cypress Hall
Day of Week | Date | Time : Th   1/9/2025 - 6/12/2025   11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
This class meets 11 times
Seats Available: 2
This course meets: Jan. 9th & 23rd, Feb. 13rd & 27th, March 13rd & 27th, April 10th & 24th, May 8th & 29th and June 12th.


Remembering Emmett Till

Before George Floyd, the death of Emmett Till energized the Civil Rights movement. His mother's brave decision to have an open casket for the world to view how savagely he had been brutalized was a significant catalyst for the Civil Rights movement. 

Instructor: Emmett Coyne Members: $5; General Public: $10
Course #: HBL116 | Room: Room 4
Day of Week | Date | Time: Tu   2/18/2025   1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Seats Available: 16

The New Arms Race: The Battle to Control the Computer Chip Industry NEW!

The importance of computer chips (also known as semiconductors or integrated circuits) cannot be overstated. These tiny yet powerful components are at the heart of modern technology. Computer chips serve as the building blocks for electronic devices, from smartphones and laptops to servers and supercomputers. Power in the modern world – military, economic, geopolitical – is built on a foundation of computer chips.

Access to cutting-edge chip technology is crucial for military systems, including radar, communication, and encryption. Nations vie for control over chip manufacturing to ensure their security and defense capabilities. The United States has dominated advances in chips, but that edge is in danger of slipping. China is pouring billions into a project to catch up. The United States and China are engaged in a high-stakes race to dominate chip production. Making computer chips has become the new arms race.

Instructor: Frank DiPiero Members: $5; General Public: $10
Course #: CUR182 | Room: Live Oak Hall
Day of Week | Date | Time: Tu   2/25/2025   1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Seats Available: 63

TEDxOcala Salon: Fresh Ideas Worth Sharing

View and discuss two engaging TED Talks (visit in a salon-type setting where free-thinkers spark each other's minds and hearts through spirited presentations and conversation.
Be stimulated, and become better educated and acquainted. Salons such as this were popular occasions for sharing knowledge and building friendships from Renaissance times up until the 1940s. TED has again popularized this concept with TEDx - local, independently organized events - in vibrant learning communities all over the world.
Participants are sure to leave motivated and more meaningfully connected with the world around us.

Instructor:  Joe Bartosh Members: $5; General Public: $10

Course #: CUR112 | Room: Room 4
Day of Week | Date | Time : F   3/7/2025 - 3/28/2025   9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
This class meets 4 times
Seats Available: 5


TEDxOcala Salon: Fresh Ideas Worth Sharing

View and discuss two engaging TED Talks (visit in a salon-type setting where free-thinkers spark each other's minds and hearts through spirited presentations and conversation.
Be stimulated, and become better educated and acquainted. Salons such as this were popular occasions for sharing knowledge and building friendships from Renaissance times up until the 1940s. TED has again popularized this concept with TEDx - local, independently organized events - in vibrant learning communities all over the world.
Participants are sure to leave motivated and more meaningfully connected with the world around us.

Instructor:  Joe Bartosh Members: $5; General Public: $10

Course #: CUR112 | Room: Room 4
Day of Week | Date | Time : F   4/4/2025 - 4/25/2025   9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
This class meets 4 times
Seats Available: 8


Slavery In the American Experience

The Founding Fathers' fatal flaw was allowing slavery; they couldn't condemn or condone it. Sadly, most had inadequate teaching of a subject foundational to America. Our domestic tranquility today is affected by the Founders indecision. Understanding the past is a prelude to the future.  "A nation cannot choose its past; it can only choose its future." Or as Faulkner said, " The past is never dead, it's now even past."

Instructor: Emmett Coyne Members: $5; General Public: $10
Course #: CUR159 | Room: Room 4
Day of Week | Date | Time: Tu   4/22/2025 & 4/29/2025   2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
This class meets 2 times
Seats Available: 16

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) NEW!

A robot typing at the computer

This course is designed for beginners with no technical background. You'll learn about the history of artificial intelligence and its development over time. You'll see examples of how AI is used today to change and improve our daily lives. We'll introduce you to different areas within AI, such as how computers can learn from data and understand human language. Finally, we'll explore the latest trends and challenges in AI, helping you understand what the future might hold for this exciting technology.

The instructor will be presenting remote.

Instructor: Tiffany Vincent Members: $5; General Public: $10
Course #: SPE282 | Room: Live Oak Hall
Day of Week | Date | Time: Tu   4/22/2025   3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Seats Available: 32

The Road to the Kentucky Derby Begins in Marion County

Why do so many horses in major races across the U.S. have a connection to our county? Learn how Marion County became the Horse Capital of the World® thanks to a little horse named Needles in 1956 and how he changed the trajectory of the Florida thoroughbred industry, making it one of the world's leading breeding, sales and racing centers.

Instructor: Tammy A Gantt Members: $6; General Public: $11
Course #: HIS515 | Room: Live Oak Hall
Day of Week | Date | Time: Tu   4/29/2025   4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Seats Available: 46

TEDxOcala Salon: Fresh Ideas Worth Sharing

View and discuss two engaging TED Talks (visit in a salon-type setting where free-thinkers spark each other's minds and hearts through spirited presentations and conversation.
Be stimulated, and become better educated and acquainted. Salons such as this were popular occasions for sharing knowledge and building friendships from Renaissance times up until the 1940s. TED has again popularized this concept with TEDx - local, independently organized events - in vibrant learning communities all over the world.
Participants are sure to leave motivated and more meaningfully connected with the world around us.

Instructor:  Joe Bartosh Members: $5; General Public: $10

Course #: CUR112 | Room: Room 4
Day of Week | Date | Time : F   5/2/2025 - 5/30/2025   9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
This class meets 5 times
Seats Available: 5


TEDxOcala Salon: Fresh Ideas Worth Sharing

View and discuss two engaging TED Talks (visit in a salon-type setting where free-thinkers spark each other's minds and hearts through spirited presentations and conversation.
Be stimulated, and become better educated and acquainted. Salons such as this were popular occasions for sharing knowledge and building friendships from Renaissance times up until the 1940s. TED has again popularized this concept with TEDx - local, independently organized events - in vibrant learning communities all over the world.
Participants are sure to leave motivated and more meaningfully connected with the world around us.

Instructor: Joe Bartosh Members: $5; General Public: $10
Course #: CUR112 | Room: Room 4
Day of Week | Date | Time: F   6/6/2025 & 6/13/2025   9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
This class meets 2 times
Seats Available: 10

The Historical Struggle to Keep America White: How To Become A Diverse Society

The 1790 Naturalization Act allowed any free white person to become a citizen of the new republic; all others need not apply. Since then, there was a protracted effort to keep America white. This session examines the many efforts to maintain a white America despite the diversity of its immigrants. How does one interpret "e pluribus unum?"

The rise of a militant white supremacy today is not new. It was present throughout our history. It remains contentious today, particularly regarding new immigrants.

Instructor: Emmett Coyne Members: $5; General Public: $10
Course #: CUR158 | Room: Room 4
Day of Week | Date | Time: Tu   6/10/2025   2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Seats Available: 14

News Flash

Instructor:  Pat Russell
Course #:
CUR165 | Room: Room 2
Day of Week | Start Date | Time:  
Tu   1/14/2025   2:00 PM - 3:30 PM


Great Decisions NEW!

Instructor:  Richard Cupertino
Course #:
CUR183 | Room: Cypress Hall
Day of Week | Start Date | Time:  
M   2/3/2025   3:00 PM - 4:00 PM


TEDxOcala Salon: Fresh Ideas Worth Sharing

Instructor:  Joe Bartosh
Course #:
CUR112 | Room: Room 4
Day of Week | Start Date | Time:  
F   2/7/2025   9:00 AM - 10:30 AM


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If class is cancelled by the participant because of COVID positive results, there will still be a processing fee incurred by the participant.

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